I Was The Kid

I was the kid that climbed trees and scratched my knees
I was the kid who played in the woods and down by the brook
I was the kid who created mud pies and was Harry Potter
I was the kid who wore the boy jeans and the tatty trainers
I didn’t like dresses or pretty bows in my hair
I played with Action Men and Barbies as well
I was the kid who was different from the rest

But now time has given me a test
The older I become, the girlier I am
I sometimes wear dresses and heels on my feet,
I straighten my hair, but it never stays neat
I am the girl, who wants some pretty clothes
But I am the girl who prefers shorter hair

But I’ll always remember the kid that I was
The kid who climbed trees and scraped the knees
The kid who never roughhoused, but played with the boys
The kid who was not afraid to act like a boy
Because I am the kid who is still a tomboy

(Originally created in 2014)

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